Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Facebook god

Exodus 34:13, Do not worship any other god, for the Lord who's name is Jealous, is a jealous God.

About 6,000 years ago when the world was created by God, and he viewed the future of the whole earth and knew what was going to happen. But then came 2004, and Facebook was created! And Jesus had NO Idea that was going to happen. It took him off his guard, and he didn't know what to say to people about the site. NO! NO! NO! AND NO! Jesus was never caught off guard by anything that has happened and is happening right now. Jesus knew Facebook would come around eventually, and he knew that Facebook would take the place were he previously sat in many "Christians" hearts. He knew that his children would try to read their Bibles, but instead would would log onto Facebook to update their statuses or check on something first. He knew that His followers would sit staring at the Facebook screen for hours instead of spending time with him. Does it hurt any less because he knew from the beginning? I'm sure not.

So what does the bible verse at the beginning have to do with Facebook? Isn't it obvious? Facebook has become a god among our nation. Among the Christians. Among everyone. We have taken something that was meant to be used for entertainment and turned it into a way of life. A site to post foul language lyrics, to tell everyone what your doing 24/7, to show God that he's really second in their lives.

Why would we do that to our Lord and savior? If you had a friend that was on Facebook all the time, and always wanted to check their Facebook on their phones before you talked to them, and sometimes they would be on for hours before they cared enough to talk to you, and then they would only talk for a couple of minutes, and only ever asked you for things, and never gave you any time to say what you wanted to say, you wouldn't be friends with that person anymore. They wouldn't be a true friend. Because they would always be on Facebook with their other friends, and wouldn't care enough to spend time with you other than asking you for favors. What a horrible relationship that would be. How many Christians do that to Jesus ALL the time!? A couple? More than 10? Hundreds? Thousands? Most likely.

I know that Facebook is addicting and can gather all your time, but it's time to stop worrying about what is going on in other people's life, and start figuring out whats going on in Jesus'.

If you are reading this and you don't have a Facebook, then this message applies to all sorts of God's. Any online place really, or even grades. A boyfriend/girlfriend could be your god. Maybe watching sports gives you comfort over going and reading your Bible, and talking with the guy who wants to be your best friend.

Do not have any other god's before me, is the second commandment of the 10. To even make it into the ten commandments means it's important, to be the second commandment.... you better be paying attention.

If you are guilty of this, close your laptop, phone ect. and go and ask God for forgiveness. See what is going on in his life. Let your god go, and follow the real God of this world.

~Whatsoever things are true
Philippians 4:8

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