1 Corinthians 10:31- The answer is, if you eat or drink, or do anything at all, do it all for the glory of God.
Human nature. It starts from the day of your birth and tempts you until the day you die. One of the many things that EVERYONE wants, is to be seen by people, and to put their best forward and for people to see and praise them for it. We all want it, and we all do it from time to time. We want for people to know that we gave $1,000 dollars to charity, or that we give up our every weekend to help old people. Now, don't get me wrong here, it is not a sin for people to know what you have done and are doing for the Lord. Not at all! Sometimes that is one of the ways that the Lord will bless you! But what is wrong, is to flaunt what you have done for the Lord. To boast in yourselves. You can flaunt yourself in different ways.
-You can boast loudly, using your words to build your image up in front of people.
-You can boast silently, doing good things out in front of a lot of people so that you can be seen by all.
Both of these types are not pleasing to the Lord. He will refuse to bless you if you do either. The Lord can see your heart clearer than you can yourself. He knows the reasons you do good things. He knows if it is for self-image and to be seen, or if it is to proclaim God humbly in your heart. He can see our hearts clearly.
Did you know, that you can do good things for God everyday without flaunting yourself in front of people.
1 Corinthians 10:31
The answer is, if you eat or drink, or do anything at all, do it all for the Glory of God.
If you do your every day things always thinking about doing your best for the Lord, that is one great way to practice being diligent in your work for the Lord silently. Nobody knows that the reason you are such a great dancer is because you do your best for the Lord almighty! Nobody knows that the reason your desk is so clean is because you keep it that way for the Lord. Nobody knows that you make your bed every day because you want to be diligent in keeping orderly what you have been given by God. These seem like small things, but in reality, they train you to be humble, diligent, enduring, and all of these things silently. That is what the Lord wants. He wants you to do these things, because he want's to bless you.
So next time you feel like boasting yourself in front of everyone, just remember that you are God's kid, and he is SO proud of you, he will boast to the angles about you! You don't need to be recognized by the earth, you need to be recognized by your father in heaven.
By, Whatsoever things are true
(Philippians 4:8)
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