Acts 4:12, Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.
There is only one way to heaven. Through Salvation through Christ Jesus with obedience to His word.
You are probably thinking, "Yeah, I know, I've been told this many times in church before." Well, maybe you have, and maybe you know that this is true, but why is it that we live like we want to all week, and throw in Bible reading and prayer every once in a while? When you do that, you are living like there is more than one way to heaven.
Think about that statement for a minute.
Do you live like there is more than one way to heaven? Do you do your own thing, and say your a christian and still think that you are following the one way to heaven rule? We have just established that the only way to heaven is through Christ Jesus, so why do we think that it's worth it to watch rated R movies, or violent movies? Can you get to heaven through those movies? No. Why do we think it's worth it to listen to secular music with sex and swearing in it? Is the kingdom of heaven worth your Katy Perry, or Eminem playlist?
"Now now! Are you bashing my favorite artist?"
I am telling you that in the word, it says to keep a pure mind, and heart. How is it possible to keep a pure mind, if you are filling your mind and heart with junk that will circulate through you and pollute you to the extreme? 2 Corinthians 10:5 says, "Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ." How are you going to captivate every thought to Christ when you are filling yourself with swearing, violence and sexual lyrics?
Again, you are living like there is more than one way to heaven if you are in complete disobedience to God's word. So throw away all ungodliness!! Throw it far away, and never take it back up again. Your salvation is worth far more than Pornography. Your salvation is worth FAR more than a bad movie. Your salvation is worth far more than a girl/boy that you want to sleep with. Your salvation is worth far more than a rap song with swearing in it. Let God convict you in these areas of your life, and re-examine who is number one in your life. Video games? Music? Movies? Or God?
I'm praying for you.
~Whatsoever Things Are True
Philippians 4:8
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