Saturday, December 29, 2012

Expecting the Most

Nehemiah 5b-6: "As he opened [the scripture], all the people stood up. Ezra praised the Lord, the great God, and all the people held up their hands and said, "Amen! Amen!" Then they bowed down and worshiped the Lord with their faces to the ground. 

How many are present? A thousand? Five thousand? More? All of the Israelites stood here silent, waiting. What are these people waiting for? The scriptures are about to be read.

It was rare for the teachings of Moses to be read in public. There weren't many copies of the teachings around, so when they did make a public appearance, the public made an appearance.

The people are silently sitting, hearts are pounding, people are wanting. Hunger for the Lord is here. People want to know what God has to say. They want the scriptures to be revealed to them, they want a meeting with the Lord. No, they don't want it... they need it. Ezra, the scripture reader stands on a platform so that all can see and hear. A man from behind Ezra brings the old scroll out to Ezra and removes it from a wrapping. The people see the word of the Lord. There it is! The beautiful parchment that will feed them spiritually. First one man stands in respect, and then another, and another. Soon, the whole crowd of Isrealites are standing in respect to the Lord. Ezra gives the scroll to the man at his right, and he begins to praise the Lord. The people of Isreal raise their hands and begin to yell "Amen! Amen!" They begin to jump around a praise God. They fall to the ground and begin to shout to the Lord, bowing face down and weeping. They are expecting a visit from the God almighty, and their hearts are now ready to hear the words of the Lord.

You might think: What is the big deal about scripture reading? They are freaking out, and the bible hadn't even been opened yet.

Well, these people came into God's presence with the right attitude. An attitude of expectation. Of hunger, of thirst for God's words. Maybe you've heard your pastor or youth pastor say that we should come to church expecting to meet with God. Well, I'd take that even a step further and say that we need to come into our scripture reading time with a expectation to meet with God. Just like these Isrealites.

What happens if we never expect anything from God? Let me put it this way. If your friends never expected anything from you. Always spent time with you with a spirit of "Well, let's get this over with", how would you feel? How would you act? Do you think those people will ever be satisfied with having a conversation with you? Do you think that they really care to come and talk to you? They probably have better things to be doing. You would feel horrible. Maybe you wouldn't want to talk to them back! But yet, this is what we do with God frequently. The alarm goes off a little early before work or school to spend time with the Lord, and we hit the snooze button 5 times until we realize that we really don't have much time or time at all with Christ.

Christians have lost their excitement for the word of God. You want a revelation? You want to learn more about God? You want a better relationship with Christ? Then come expecting. Come with hunger. Come with an attitude of praise, of wanting, of humility. The Lord will not turn you away. He will meet you if you agree to meet with him.

~Whatsoever Things Are True
Philippians 4:8

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