Matthew 21:42b, The stone that the builders rejected became the cornerstone.
Jesus is referred to as a stone or rock many times in the word.
2 Samuel 22:47, The Lord lives! Praise be to my rock.
Deuteronomy 32:31, But the rock of our enemies is not like our Rock.
Psalm 18:2, The Lord is my Rock and my fortress.
Psalm 71:3, Be my Rock of refuge, to which I can always go.
Isaiah 51:1, Look to the Rock which you were cut and to the quarry from which you were hewn.
1 Samuel 2:2, There is no rock like our God.
Why is he likened unto a Rock? And who are the builders?
Jesus is likened unto a Rock because of what a rock is. A rock is: 1. Strong. We can use them to stand upon and trust that they will not crumble. 2. A place of shelter. Animals and people both use rock as shelter. People sleep in caves of rock so that they will have shelter from the wild beasts that roam around looking for whom they may devour. 3. A place of rest. We can rest on a rock and have peace of mind that nothing can climb up and destroy.
Jesus is all of these things. He is strong, and we should stand upon his words DAILY! He is a place of shelter. We can go to his house and pray and seek him and be among fellow believers that build us up in him. He is a place of rest. We can rest soundly at night knowing that he holds all things in his hands so we should not have to worry. Jesus is the Rock of my salvation that cannot be moved.
Now, knowing all of those things, who wouldn't want to have Jesus to build their lives upon? Lot's of people actually. The scripture says that the rock was rejected by the builders. The builders are any person who lives on this earth. You are a builder. I am a builder. We all build our lives every day that we live.
Jesus was rejected by the people who crusified him yes, but people today reject him. Christians reject him by refusing to share their faith. People reject him by saying that evolution makes more sense. The stone is still being rejected.
But there is good news! Jesus is the cornerstone of MANY organizations, businesses, and lives today. People are building their lives with him as their base. This is the smartest decision to make. People who make their lives on Cornerstones of lust, greed, or selfishness will be sorry that they did so because those things will crumble sooner or later. They are week substitutes for the true Cornerstone Jesus.
Evaluate your life. Who is your Cornerstone? Jesus or Satan? Jesus will lead to a strong building if you use him in your life, but you will crumble and fall with Satan holding you up. Satan has no good plans for you or your life, he only wants to use you. Jesus is the only smart way to go. If you realize that he has been pushed out of your life and replaced with another stone, then stop and repent. Rebuild your life, but this time put in the right Cornerstone: Jesus.
~Whatsoever things are true
Philippians 4:8
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