Matthew 8:25b-26A, "Lord save us! We will drown!" Jesus answered "why are you afraid? You don't have enough faith."
So what is your wave? What is it that you have not given up to God? What are you afraid of drowning in? Stress? Worry? Troubles? Death? Fear of the unknown? Maybe you are getting hit with the wave of persecution, or maybe you are drowning in something else and you are stretching out to see if you can look above the wave coming at you to see if there is light on the horizon. Sometimes we yell to God, "Lord! Save us! We will drown!"
The Lord answers, "Why are you afraid? You don't have enough faith."
Faith. A thing that we should all poses. Faith keeps us from giving up. Faith makes us say, I know that these troubles would not come to me if God didn't have a plan through them. Faith makes us think, The Lord knows what I can handle, and I am going to ride my boat through this storm with Jesus at the Helm.
Your Helmsmen
You will always survive a storm and never drown if Jesus is at the head of your vessel. That doesn't mean that you can't do any work. On the contrary, a vessel needs a crew as well as a helmsmen. If you let Jesus do the steering, then all you have to do is put effort into following his commands as he shouts to you in the midst of the wind and waves.
Getting Wet
When you are going through tough areas and the storm is raging, you have to expect to get a little wet. Just because Jesus is the head of your vessel, doesn't mean you will come out of this totally untouched by the waters. Hard times are going to come, and he means for you to get a little wet so when you come out the other side you will have experience and knowledge. He may be testing your skills to see if you are ready to handle bigger parts of your craft.
Your Boat
Your boat will only hold together for so long right? So what if your in the middle of a storm if it suddenly breaks apart. Well the glue that holds your boat together is called Faith. If you don't have faith, then your boat will fall apart. So keep your faith strong, and your vessel will hold up in the toughest of storms. Satan will throw big waves at you and try to shake your boat to pieces, but it will always hold if you have faith.
Remember to always call on the Lord in the middle of the storm. He will always come through for you and lead you clear of the things that will harm you. Just have faith.
~Whatsoever Things Are True
Philippians 4:8
great post! :)