1John 4:8, Whoever does not love God, does not know God, because God is love.
First of all, Happy Valentines Day. The one day of year that people spend with their loved one, or spend it alone. You many be lonely this year because you don't have anyone to hold in your arms, or be held by. Maybe your sad that you don't have anyone to whisper sweet words in their ears. Maybe you are sad that everyone else seems to have a date for this day but you. But I'm here to tell you otherwise.
Jesus has been the ultimate Valentine for centuries before the holiday was even created. His love for you does not limit him to one day of the year.
You may be thinking, "well spending time with Jesus today won't make me feel any less lonely. I'm still single." Let me ask you a question. What is Love? Love is something you give right? Yes you get love too, but it's a two way thing right? Yes it is! So I want to challenge you guys today to make Jesus your Valentine, and give him all your love. Jesus receives more complaints every year about singleness than he does love. And he is waiting right there next to you to be your Valentine. But we ignore him looking only to physical love from a person.
Make this years day a self-giving day to Jesus. Let your Valentine's day be FILLED to the brim with Love for Jesus.
How do we do that?
#1, Spend time with him. More than you usually do. Tell him how much he means to you. Write a list. Make something for him. A poem. A dance. Write a song. Make a card. Do something that you don't normally do for him. Give him more attention today than you want for yourself.
#2, The bible says in Matthew 25:40, "Whatever you did for the least of these, you did for me." Show your love of Christ by giving it to other people. Be a servant to your family today. Love on your parents. Take someone that doesn't have a lot of hope in life out for lunch. Do something to show the Love of Christ.
#3, Praise him. We were made to glorify him. Go all out. Sing loudly, make your actions praising to Christ. Let it be known that you are not single this year because Jesus is your true love.
Give today. It will be the best Valentines day you ever had.
~Whatsoever things are true
Philippians 4:8
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